This New(ish) House
We were planning on moving into our house this weekend...
We greatly underestimated how long it would take to remove wallpaper, paint, and fix other stuff in the house. The thing that sucks is that the moving van isn't available again until the weekend of the 30th. In other words, we won't be getting out of Ginny's house prior to them getting back from Indiana. Oh well...
This weekend we painted the hall bathroom, master bathroom, and the master closet. I also got rid of all the wallpaper trim in the house (that's what I spent most of this weekend doing). My dad was down in the area for the weekend, so he helped me re-drywall the wall around the fireplace after I had removed the tile. He applied the first layer of drywall mud and I have done the second two layers. Thanks again, dad!
The wallpaper removal was a pain in the ass. We bought this blue crap called DIF that was supposed to be full of hungry little men that love to eat wallpaper glue. It didn't work too well, and I found that a bottle of water did as good of a job and didn't turn my wall blue in the process. Summary: wallpaper is evil and ugly.
We did all sorts of other little things around the house, but I won't get into all that.
Sorry I haven't taken any pictures of the house as we're working on it. Now that we have more time to get work done I'll feel less guilty taking time to snap photos, so expect glorious pictures of our remodeling.
Linky, linky: