As of today, Heather and I have been married for 3 years! It's a bit of a bummer that it falls right in the middle of our last week before we move, but we plan on celebrating tonight anyway. Also, eight years ago was the day I first asked Heather to be my girlfriend, so this day holds even more significance for us.
Last time I said I would discuss the inspection on the house we are buying. The inspector found some problems, but most of them weren't too serious. We felt that the important ones to fix were a cracked truss rafter in the attic, some potential problems with the roof approaching its end of life, and patching holes in the ceiling of the garage. We also requested the sellers to fix a broken kitchen window and to have some other potential problems inspected. They came back saying that they would do everything except for the roof repairs. The exact response we received was: "The seller will take no action regarding the roof." Well, our thought was that we would get a free estimate on how much it would cost to do the required roof work and request the sellers to at least provide half of that money to us at close of escrow. As it turns out, they had someone examine the roof over the weekend, so we are going to see what the results of that inspection were and go from there...
We finally reached an agreement with the buyer of our condo (they had a problem with the condition of our air conditioning unit), and they also requested that we bump the close of escrow up to this Wednesday. That's right, tomorrow. As it turns out, the buyer is going to be out of town on the day he picked for close of escrow. We have agreed to close on Wednesday, but we are going to be able to legally occupy the condo until Sunday. I guess the good news is that we will get the money from the sale sooner...
Oh, by the way, buying and selling houses sucks... I think I was more stressed out during some periods of college, but that was usually only for a week or two at a time. The thing that sucks about house buying/selling stress is that it lasts for about a month or more.
Heather and I watched the new Harry Potter movie this weekend. The short story is that we were both disappointed. (I'm not sure why the reviews are so high...) Heather will give you the long story in her own review sometime later. Keep a lookout for it (or you could subscribe to updates off to the left and be sure you don't miss it!)
Hey, check this out: Kris Koellner and family were in the AZ Republic. You can find a link to Kris's web site in the linkz section of my site.