If you're here, then you can see that my website has a new look! However, I have not changed any other pages except those containing my weblog, so if you go looking at pictures or wishlists you will still see my old format. I will get those done as soon as I can. Let me know what you think about the new look, personally I'm digging it.
I have also changed the way you comment. My comment section has been getting spammed for quite some time now, and as a result I have had to use filtering programs to weed them out. That got to be a pain in the but so I decided to go with an authentication system that requires you to create an account with a 3rd party. I apologize if this creates any problems, but now I don't have to deal with the spam.
Today is my birthday, and so far it has been a good one. I took the day off of work (although I still ended up doing a job for 5 to 9 today), and I'm looking forward to see what the rest of the day brings.
Tomorrow Heather and I are going to the state fair. Holly's rock band is going to be playing in the evening at the fair so we thought we'd go ahead and make a day out of it. Also, tomorrow night there is supposed to be a halloween party, so that should be cool too.
I finally got my MythTV box working last week, here are some pictures of the new setup: