My Picture is published!

March 18, 2004

Okay, like I was saying before, Monthly Ramblings (I'll try and be better)

News:  Check this out.  (I took two of those pictures.  Guess which ones...)

Heather and I had a great Valentine's Day.  We spent most of the evening at a local bar called Sugar Daddy's that had live music.  We were also able to acquire a pair of tickets to an EVE 6 concert the next evening over at the Marquee Theater.  (All we had to do was down a shot of Jägermeister). The Marquee Theater used to be the Red River Music Hall, and it's a real cool place to have a concert at.  There are no seats, just a big room with a stage.  We had lots of fun.

Speaking of concerts, last night (St. Patrick's Day) Jeff, Nicole, Pete, Karla, Pete's friend Chris from Ohio and I went to a Flogging Molly concert at the Marquee.  Jeff and I were able to get real close to the stage.  Jeff's birthday is March 17th, so we always have a good excuse to party on St. Patrick's Day.

My dad built a desk from scratch for his computer room.  It looks real nice, and talk about saving money...  He has pictures of his progress here.

I know I had more stuff to talk about, but they are eluding me at the moment.  Oh, and of course I still have more pictures to post...
