That's Listed, not Listless
Our place was listed on Saturday for $64,500. On Monday (yesterday), someone looked at the place and made an offer for $60,000 and they wanted our refrigerator (not part of the listing). Today, two more people came to look at the condo. It will be interesting to see if this high activity continues through the week. We are planning on making a counter-offer and ask for our list price and not include the refrigerator. It is still early in the game, and there is obviously interest in the place.
We went out looking at houses last Friday, and saw another one we liked. I have posted pictures of the house if you want to check them out. There were two problems with this last place. They are asking $145,000 and we may need to come in under $140k (I'll know for sure tomorrow, the mortgage broker is running some numbers for us). The other problem is that the yards are gorgeous and I don't know if I would be able to maintain them... Oh, and the place is all right off of 43rd Ave, a fairly busy street.
Our realtor is frustrating me. She keeps showing us places that are out of our price range. After hearing from the mortgage broker, I am going to be firm with her on the maximum price we are willing to pay for a house. Either she is having problems finding houses in our price range (which I doubt because I am finding them on ZipRealty), or she is trying to sell us a more expensive house to increase her commission. If she doesn't shape up, we may have to give her the boot...
We have to make sure our home looks nice before we leave in the morning. Making the bed sucks.